Solar-Powered Two-way Radio Communication with Kuratong as Message Repeater
Hagdan Kinatarcan Langub Workers Association (HAKILAWA)
Santa Fe, Cebu
This project falls under the category of “Process-product Innovation.” This is a process innovation since it involves organizing a community to establish their own determining early warning system. As a product innovation, the two-way radio communication system makes solar energy a power source with "kuratong" as a message transmitter to the clustered communities. "Kuratong" comprises a node-length bamboo pole with a rectangular opening along its length that amplifies the sound. This sound is made by beating it with a stick. In this “process-product innovation,” Kuratong is used to transmit codified messages to the organized clusters of communities. This innovation serves as an early warning system (EWS) in Kinatarcan island. Effective EWS saves lives, jobs, land, and infrastructures and supports long-term sustainability.