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By Novally A. Membrot


It was during the COVID-19 pandemic that the community-led Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) innovation, “Application of Siphon Technology to Provide Community with Access to Water and Increased Capacity to Face Health-Related Disaster”  was ideated by the Timpuyog dagiti Marigrigat nga Umili iti Naguilian (TIMUN), in partnership with the Center For Disaster Preparedness (CDP) under its Pinnovation Academy project. 

The innovation utilizes the  difference in elevation (source of water) and the community (discharge area), making it possible for  gravity to push water to the community. By replacing the traditional components of a  water system including electricity, gasoline, pump and other spare parts with a modern engineering  mechanism (siphoning mechanism), they were able to control water transmission and surging.  With this the siphoning distance is extended from around 30-50 meters to an estimate of less than 500 meters.  

For the residents of Barangay Gusing Norte, Naguilian, La Union and adjacent barangays, they  have been experiencing scarcity of household water for decades. This resulted in higher vulnerability. Access to running water in the community is non-existent as they fetch water from deep wells or from the creeks located at the far side of the community, especially when the  wells have dried up during summer or during the months of March to May. Pregnant women and children are also affected since there is no readily available water in the vicinity during these months. 

The innovation aimed to increase the capacity of Gusing Norte in facing multi-hazard  threats by eliminating the water problem. During the implementation, the innovating team was confident that the project would resolve the lack of access to water, sanitation and  hygiene that is crucial  to prevent infection and disease transmission.  

Through “GAMAL or INAMMOYO”, the  water system was constructed. The community members collectively agreed on the best source of the water supply. Community members participated from the process of preparation until the construction phase. Logistical support was also evident like cooking meals for the volunteers, canvassing and buying of needed materials and equipment, carrying them to the water source, connecting the PVC pipes and setting up the water tank, etc. 

According to Engr. Eduardo Rimando of TIMUN, “The remarkable culture of “GAMAL OR INAMMOYO” was onced again exhibited during the implementation of the innovation. “GAMAL or INAMMOYO '' is the practice among the Ilokanos or residents of Ilocos Region where the innovation is located. Guided by this culture, community members help a neighbor in need without expecting monetary remuneration. This culture is observed during harvesting of crops, house construction, renovation and repair. It is also being practiced during special events such as weddings, medical emergencies and funerals. Neighbors would share services and resources to  somebody in need without expecting anything in return.” 

With the water being distributed directly to households, the siphon technology now provides adequate water supply for ninety four (94) households. These households have direct access to water through clustered communal faucets. The community, especially the women and children who are frequent fetchers of water are now spared from long walks going to  far water sources. This likewise reduces the vulnerability for pregnant women and  children as it provides them with readily available sufficient  household water.

“I could say that the community-led project Water Siphoning for Household Use was successful in its implementation and achieved its objective to provide access to sufficient water supply for the community. With the access to water being resolved, health issues including waterborne diseases may be avoided through proper hygiene and sanitation which the innovation made possible.” says innovator  Juanita Alim.  

According to innovating team member, Rosemarie Banayat, “because of the project, they were able to form USWA or Ubbog Siphon Water Association, a local organization with ninety-four  (94) members who are dedicated to advance the well-being of not only its members but also the whole community as well.”

In December 2023, USWA held its General Assembly where the body approved the Policy and Guidelines on the maintenance, distribution and use of the innovative water siphoning technology for household use. A monthly water rate was set at PHP 20.00 per household - a minimal contribution compared to the high cost of the traditional municipal water system which is set at PHP 220.00 minimum charge per month. The collected amount will then be used for the management and maintenance of the innovation. 

In addition, different training and workshops were conducted to strengthen the organization’s internal capacity to sustain the innovation. Capacity development activities on Leadership, Organizational Management, Financial Management and Community Assets and Inclusive Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management-Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (ICBDRRM/CCAM) were attended by innovators and members conducted within the community and further increased community initiative and involvement. Lastly, USWA leaders are reminding its members and the entire community to put into practice the knowledge and learnings on Salient Features of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Emergencies.  

The innovators and members vowed to continue and explore other initiatives for organizational strengthening towards sustaining the innovation. This sustainability is still deeply rooted with the culture that nourishes community-led action through volunteerism and cooperation, the culture of GAMAL or INNAMOYO.


Oct 07, 2024

This practice of "Gamal or Inammoyo" gives life to the well-known caracteristic of Filipinos as a helpful people. It highlights the values of unity and cooperation without expecting any monetary benefit. Thank you to the writer of this article for sharing about what many are not aware of. May more Filipinos be encouraged and inspired to practice "Gamal or Inammoyo" in our own communities. Afterall, Filipinos are known for our genuine benevolence and compassion.


Sep 18, 2024

Amazing community practices for sustainable development in Naguilian La Union. Congratulations.

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